Who We Are
Founded in 1975
The Genetic Toxicology Association (GTA) is a tax-exempt educational and scientific organization that was founded in 1975 and incorporated in 1981 under the laws of the state of Delaware.
Its primary purpose is to promote the development of the science of genetic toxicology and to foster the exchange and dissemination of information concerning the field.
Open to Anyone Interested in Genetic Toxicology
The majority of members come from the mid-Atlantic and New England regions of the United States, although members from all geographic areas are welcome. Because of the geographic concentration of the majority of its members, the GTA includes professionals from a diverse cross-section of organizations: industrial, academic, governmental and commercial.
The GTA thus provides a unique and important opportunity for scientists from different types of organizations to routinely and openly exchange knowledge, ideas, views and insights.

Activities & Governance
Knowledge, views, and insights
A Formal Scientific Meeting
A formal scientific meeting is held annually in the Spring. This is normally a 2-day meeting, held at the Clayton Hall Conference Center on the Campus of the University of Delaware in Newark.
Special workshops are sometime arranged by the Board prior to the start of the annual meeting.
Special workshops are sometime arranged by the Board prior to the start of the annual meeting.

Topics of meetings have included:
- Assessing the safety of products across industries including pharmaceuticals, food ingredients, cosmetics and industrial chemicals
- OECD guideline updates
- Dose-response modeling and determination of thresholds
- In Vivo and In Vivo/In Vitro Measures of Germ Cell Damage
- What do federal agencies want in genetic toxicity test data?
- Genotoxicity assessment of nanomaterials
- Transgenic animals for the evaluation of exogenous materials
- In silico prediction of genotoxicity endpoints using QSARs
- Follow up strategies for positive in vitro results
- Replacement, refinement and reduction of animals
- Risk management of genotoxic impurities
- Toxicity testing in the 21st century
- Adverse outcome pathways
- New technology development and practical applications
- Variations in cell culture conditions: effects on the outcome of In Vitro assays

The Board of Directors of the GTA comprises seven members elected by the membership at large. Directors serve a three-year term on a rotating basis.
Officers of the Association are elected from the Board membership and include a Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
The board holds monthly teleconference calls and meets at the annual meeting. All members are welcome to attend Board meetings.
Officers of the Association are elected from the Board membership and include a Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
The board holds monthly teleconference calls and meets at the annual meeting. All members are welcome to attend Board meetings.

The board holds monthly teleconference calls and meets at the annual meeting. All members are welcome to attend Board meetings.
The Association maintains this Web site and publishes a semiannual Newsletter containing meeting notices, upcoming workshops, Board meeting reports, placement service listings, and news of interest to the membership.